Galax Christian School

Family Statement of Reenrollment

Thank you for your confidence in the school staff to assist you in providing a Christian education for your child.  We are here to work with the family, but not to assume responsibilities which rightfully belong to the parents.  It is understood that attendance at Galax Christian School is a privilege and not a right.  This privilege may be forfeited by any student who does not conform to the expectations and spirit of this school.

Please read the tuition statement and code of conduct below the application, then sign and submit.  Thank you!

Names of all children reenrolling at Galax Christian School:


Tuition Statement and Code of Conduct


For your convenience in meeting your financial obligation, tuition is divided into ten installments.  The first payment is due on or before August 5, 2025.  The tenth payment is due on May 5, 2026.

I hereby pledge to pay my financial obligations to the school by the date due and understand that it may be necessary to withdraw my child if prior arrangements are not made on a past due account.

I agree to uphold and support the high academic standards of the school by providing a place at home for my child to study and giving my child encouragement in the completion of any homework or assignments.

I give permission for my child to take part in all school activities, including sports and school-sponsored trips away from the educational facility.  I understand that Galax Christian School is a partner ministry of the Haven of Rest Bible Church, and I absolve Haven of Rest Bible Church from liability to me or my child because of injury to my child at school or during any school activity.

I understand that the school reserves the right to dismiss any child who fails to comply with the established expectations and discipline.

I agree with the policies and procedures in the Student Handbook, and I agree to the terms stated on this application.