Welcome to a new school year!

As we prepare for a new school year, here is some information to make our first day a great day!


Please come in through the Fishers Gap Road entrance and leave through the Edmonds Road exit.  This allows for one way traffic.  If you wish to come in, please park in the church parking lot or at the far end of the school building so that there are no cars parked near the school entrance.  This allows our students to enter and exit the building safely.

School begins promptly at the 8:25 a.m bell.  Students should arrive by 8:20 in order to have lunch put away and items stored.  On our first day of school (Monday, August 28th), the school will open at 8:00 a.m. to allow time for speaking with teachers, etc.  Normally, the school doors open at 8:10.

Desk Set up:

We are hearing from students who are eager to get their desks ready!  The school will be open beginning on Saturday, August 19th for those who wish to get their desks ready.  Please text before you come to make sure it is a good time.   Students may bring a bulletin board cover and small decorations for their desks.  Please keep in mind that decor should be minimum as clutter will distract students from learning.  Usually a cloth covering for the bulletin board and one or two small decorations are sufficient.


Students may bring refrigerated lunches or items that need microwaved.  Please include any needed utensils (plastic spoons, forks, etc).  Those who need help heating up lunch should bring the meal ready to heat.  For example, if bringing a soup or canned item, it should come already in a bowl with a lid not in a can.


Each student is assigned a storage cube for personal items.  No food should be stored here.  Please make sure that students leave a water bottle in their cubbie every day starting with the first day.  Some students also choose to leave a small box of plastic spoons or forks for lunch rather than bringing one everyday.  


If you have any last minute questions, check the student handbook for uniform guidelines or feel free to text or send pictures of what you have.


Thank you for those who have submitted enrollment papers online.  If you have not done so, please stop by the school and pick up your papers as we need all paperwork done before the start of the first school day.  While some have filled out the online paperwork, all families have some remaining paperwork to do.  If you want to know what you are lacking, please text to find out.  All paperwork is inside the school on the entrance table with each packet labeled by family.

Before the first day, we need

1.  Enrollment form

2.  A social media permission form (check out our Facebook page for how we use photos).

3.  A medical release form

4.  Immunization records or a signed waiver.  We must have current immunization forms on file or a waiver to start the first day of school.

Orientation night:

Please join us on Monday, August 28th at 7:00 pm at the school.  We will share important information for this school year, have a time of questions and answers, and enjoy some light food.  We ask each family to bring some type of sandwich or finger food.  Great options besides hot or cold sandwiches would be veggies or fruit, snack mix, cookies, etc.  

Please note that we are asking all families to label your food so that those with dietary considerations will know what they can eat.  Labels should just give a short description (Beef meatballs, egg salad sandwiches or sugar free items.  Feel free to ask if you have questions!


See you soon!