Photo Release Permission Slip
In a world of social media and online connectivity, GCS often uses these tools for the promotion of the school and to increase awareness in the community. We realize that there are inherent dangers to these platforms, and request permission to use media that may include your child.
As a parent or guardian of this student, I hereby consent to the use of photographs/video taken during the course of the school year for publicity, promotional and/or educational purposes (including publications, presentation or broadcast via newspaper, internet or other media sources). I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use, or for damages.
____ Yes, I give consent for Galax Christian School to photograph my child for school purposes and/or at school events.
___ No, I do not authorize Galax Christian School to photograph my child for any event.
Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________
Student’s Name: _____________________________________